Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Big Announcement!

Wow, how terrible of bloggers we have been.  We signed in today to find that we have not posted anything new since before Christmas!  Bad, bad us!  However, hopefully we can make that up to you with something new and exciting coming your way from Visualizations. 

Many of you have asked and it is finally here - Mini Sessions by Visualizations.  Yes, that is correct!  A few times a year Visualizations Photography will be offering themed Mini Sessions just for our little clients under 12.  They will usually be around a holiday time or a season change.  We have 6 Mini Session Days scheduled for 2013.  These sessions are either planned for Saturdays, no school days or late afternoon Fridays.

How do Mini's work?  Well, they are quite different from a normal Visualizations children's session.  First, the scene is set and predesigned for the Mini Day based on its theme.  (No worries, you will see pictures of it with plenty of time for picking out that cute outfit!)  Next, when you traditionally see 40-50ish images from a children's session, you will only see 12-15 from the Mini Session.  Also, a normal session is about 60-90 minutes, a mini session will be less then 30 minutes.  With the Mini Session you will look at the images from your home computer within 24 hours after your session instead of coming back to the studio for the relaxing premiere of your images about a week later,  You will have 48 hours to view and select your favorite images and the order will be ready 48 hours after that.  It is all pretty simple.

A few other things about Mini Sessions, they are $125.  That includes your session fee, discounted print prices in that 48 hour viewing period and 3(three) high resolution retouched files WITH printing release.  (You will choose those online and we will present those on cd to you.)  These session are limited - usually there are only 6 session available on any Mini Day.  As with any Visualizations session, a $50 deposit is required to hold your session.  We will begin a wait list upon filling the session times. 

So what about the other specials at Visualizations?  Will you still offer them?  The answer is yes and no.  Over the past years, we have found some specials that you all love and some that may need to be phased out.  For 2013, we will be doing a children's Spring Special in April, a First Communion Special and Christmas Card Special, in addition to the mini sessions.  We will also still offering our most popular family specials of Christmas in July (7/21), Fall Family Day (10/6) and a Holiday Card Special. 

We hope that this helps you to plan your portraits for 2013. Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions.  We look forward to hearing and seeing you soon!

Friday, February 15, 2013